Bettina Matzkuhn is a fibre and textile artist who creates stories about ecology, weather, and geography in her work. She uses embroidery paint, and fabric collage, to capture textures of natural objects and landscapes. Bettina enjoyed learning about the Yukon’s environment and history. Through talking to locals and researchers, she was grateful to learn more about the landscapes she paints and embroiders. Bettina facilitated workshops during her residency at KLRS, Mät’àtäna Män, and Da Kų, including a collaborative textile art project at our open house.
"During my residency this summer (2024) I was kept company every day by Thechàl Dhâl, a mountain that isn’t the tallest, but which has a broad, enveloping presence. I want to refer to it as “she” –I perceive her as a maternal presence. I made many drawings of her including a large one I used as reference for this work. I have photos of her in different light. My first day at the residency was very windy; the sky was clear and the water very green. I learned that the lake is shrinking because of changes at the Kaskawulsh glacier’s toe. Thechàl Dhal always had a cloud over her head, like a thought bubble in a drawing. I imagine her thinking about all the significant changes she has seen in such a short time." – Bettina Matzkuhn